



Minggu, 15 Februari 2015, 15.43

Tetebatu is a small village it's located about 2 km from the southern boundary of Rinjani Mount National Park, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Tetebatu is worth mentioning as a haven at the foot of Rinjani Mount You will feel at home and do not want to go anywhere else wished time stopped in Tetebatu. The village is famous for a cultural attractions and beautiful natural scenery too. In addition, many craftsmen Sasak like black terracotta and baskets spread all over of Tetebatu. The village is not far from Kotaraja this is the best location in Lombok to see traditional sports like stick war called peresehan. The village also has a long tradition in the making of iron tools.

There a some of activities that you can do in tetebatu:

• Take a walk

As far as the eye could see, you will only see the beauty of the mountains in Tetebatu shades. From this place scenic stretches to the south of Lombok, Rinjani Mount in the north and the sea view when turned eastward. Tetebatu is the perfect resting place for weary travelers and those who want to temporarily stop to pass on vacation in Central Lombok. Coldness, make Tetebatu always cool. The sky is often covered with clouds, the sun never radiate strongly. Dim and quiet. With such natural shades, fields in Tetebatu suitable for farming tobacco and rice

• going to Jukut Niagara

It’s About 2 miles from the entrance of Rinjani Mount National Park there is a beautiful waterfall in the leaves called Niagara Jukut. The Locals people believe that the waterfall has special properties that prevent baldness. Believe it or not, this waterfall still presents a beautiful panorama.

• Swimming in the river
for those who like to swim, while shrugging off the cold water in Tetebatu. You must enjoy a swim in the river winding foot after trekking in Rinjani for relaxation. Rural atmosphere is still thick making Tetebatu never be forgotten.

Did you mean: • Berjalan-jalan; Tetebatu terbentang di sepanjang dua jalan utama, jalur utara-selatan dan jalan utara-timur atau jalan air terjun. Anda bisa berjalan-jalan sepanjang jalan ini sambil menikmati pemandangan megah gunung Rinjani. Di Tetebatu terdapat pula sawah-sawah penduduk yang semakin membuat nuansa alami pedesaan sangat kental di sini.

• Visiting Kotaraja

Kotaraja is a village located about 5 miles south of Tetebatu. The village is very famous because of a traditional battle with like stick called a peresehan. These activities are usually held where the youth of Sasak ceremonially fight each other with rattan sticks and shields from buffalo skin. Before we going to Kotaraja, you should to ask before to local residents if there is an event peresahan when you visit.

“How we go to tetebatu village”

If you want to enjoy the beauty Tetebatu to complete, you can use public transportation to get to Tetebatu although takes a little longer than private vehicles. You can take a bus from the main terminal Mataram to Pomotong, it's about 12 kilometers south of Tetebatu. Usually this bus in the morning. At the intersection and pauk motong market, You can find a minibus towards the capital. From there You can hire a cidomo, it one of a traditional transport in Lombok is commonly called a wagon or "delman" about 2 km. If You do not want to be bothered, You can hire a private car with driver from Mataram to go Tetebatu. It costs about 250000-300000 dollars
