Pink Beach Lombok




Pink Beach Lombok

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014, 23.30
Pink Beach Lombok is actually a nickname or other name of the beach barracks. Pink Beach for the color of the sand on this beach is named looks somewhat reddish or pink. This beach is in the village Sekaroh, a small village in the district Jerowaru, East Lombok. Unusual color makes the beach or shore barracks Rosa as a unique and wonderful place to visit during a trip to the island of Lombok. Beach with these properties can also be found in the Komodo Island, East Nusa Tenggara

Actually, the color of the sand is at the Pink Beach in Lombok are the same as the beaches in general, is white. However, here is the sand mixed with fragments of coral reefs subtle reddish, so it is from a distance, like the pink sand looks. The pink color is even more apparent when sand exposed to sea water, if the weather be mainly sunny at the time.

Barracks, said the Big Indonesian Dictionary means "dormitory" or "barracks". So many assumptions, once the coast was once the seat of the Japanese army. This is not far from reinforced by the discovery of artificial caves and also a relic cannon Japan from the beach.

Actually, the color of the sand is at the Pink Beach in Lombok are the same as the beaches in general, is white. However, here is the sand mixed with fragments of coral reefs subtle reddish, so it is from a distance, like the pink sand looks. The pink color is even more apparent when sand exposed to sea water, if the weather be mainly sunny at the time.

Barracks, said the Big Indonesian Dictionary means "dormitory" or "barracks". So many assumptions, once the coast was once the seat of the Japanese army. This is not far from reinforced by the discovery of artificial caves and also a relic cannon Japan from the beach.

The beauty of Pink Beach Lombok 

In addition to the typical sand beaches, Pink Beach also has a very impressive natural scenery. Desekeliling coastal cliffs are quite high and also Berugak (sort of cabin / pavilion) on it are provided for tourists to enjoy the stretch of sea off the coast and beautiful. Aroma typical sea water, coastal breeze and the sound of waves hitting the reef makes the hearts and minds of the visit being quiet here.

Pink Beach Lombok has a fairly smooth flow with very small waves, so this place is perfect for those who travel and invite you to play your kids want. In addition sempatkanlah here snorkel, and you will be amazed by the reef coral reef is very nice. However, there are some points that coral reefs damaged by boat anchored local fishermen.

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